09X01 So without Batman...

This was very real... too much real...


08X01 ... in the Force!

This strip is the conclusion for the 4th strip... You'll be asking why now... and the answer is: because there was no conclusion originally, but Pipiripau thought about it, and we loved the idea.


07X01 Geek-yu Special Forces!!!

Special guest appearance: Köpke, Rodro Vidal, and Jorge Tovalín!!!
(as a fact, that pic does exist, but originally it was Gaider standing there instead of Mr. Tovalo).


06X01 All hail!!!

It's really funny seeing Pepper dressed like that, actually... XD


05X01 My Preciousssss

Coming back from the TNT... Pepper will tell ya how was it.


04X01 I sense a disturbance

Star Wars geek time!!!
See ya next tuesday!!! :D

a Tlatelolco, sin parar!!!!

Antes que nada, un saludo y gracias de verdad muchas gracias por leer las tiras y dejar sus comentarios. Solo para comentarles, este fin de semana estaremos en la TNT especial, asi es Wakko y su servidor andaremos por alla, invitados por nada masy nada menos que ¡El Cacha! asi es pueden ir y constatar que somos de carne y hueso y si tienen suerte hasta pueden ver material para futuras tiras en vivo.

Ademas que los jovenes ilustres Wakko y Cacha andaran vendiendo algo de material y haciendo sketches, asi que ya saben los esperamos ojala puedan darse una vuelta para saludar o de menos decir "mira son los payasos del internet!!!!"

sin nada mas por el momento Wook-Out!!!

PD: nuestros buenos amigos de la revista Comikaze estaran por alla montando la exposicion "Santo de mi devocion" un homenaje a la leyenda, el enmascarado de plata, Rodolfo Guzman Huerta "El Santo"

03X01 The Dork Knight

From now on, we'll post on tuesdays and fridays!!!
Cameos are coming!!!

02X01 In uniform

I'm trying out the programs... last strip was made in painter. This one, in photoshop. I think I'll stay like this (I like the pencil style). Let's continue laughing!

(Curious fact: at the original script, it was someone else who was going to be on the boy scout outfit... but there was a confusion, I drew it like this, and we liked it. To mention apart, that Pepper gave me another nickname: 'The other blue boy scout'...).

We do exist.

Pic shot at Bada Bing Comics, with help from our pal Lyoko.
(this one's different from the spanish site!).